A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Blue sky (nature's own)

Spent the morning with head firmly buried in laptop and thankfully made a little progress on things that were in sluggishness mode yesterday. Looked up to see the merest hint of blue in the sky so decided a little wander for some lunchtime sustenance and blipping was in order. Didn't get very far before I chose my subject.

This is the steeple of St Michaels & All Angels Church in Chiswick. It's at the end of my road so it is a regular sight and I never fail to enjoy the beauty of the building. No doubt the rest of it will make it as a blip one day. It was designed by Norman Shaw (as are a lot of houses in the area, though sadly not ours). Random trivia about the church is that it was used as the set for Nuns on the Run. And the clock on the front is in memoriam of Harold Wilson (another future blip).

Not being that way inclined, religiously speaking, I have never been inside. Though I suspect the inside is worth a visit and probably yet another future blip. Shame on me if I ever miss a day.

Briefly faffed about with colours to play God and pretend the sky was the shade of blue I want it to be. But lacked the competency of a Great Creator and only succeeded in messing up the colour of the building. So what you see is what I took.

Lesley x

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