
By weewilkie

Un blip muy tarde

Stepped on to the plane today just as the rain started. Looking out the window, and down it came. I looked across at my kids and we tried not to look too smug about the whole thing. And then we were up, up above the clouds and Spain-bound.
We arrived just as the sun was setting and the photo was taken from the passenger seat of my sister's car as she drove us to our flat for the fortnight. Then we had dinner at my favourite bar: Karruncho, at the normal Spanish eating time of 10.30 pm. Ensaladas, Patatas al horno, olivas, almendras, manchego frito....
The local fiesta has just arrived here and I've seen it many times having lived here for 4 years. But it has been quite a while since I've actually taken much of a part in it. My daily blip demands some photos of the Moros y Cristianos parade and many more of the fine sights besides. But I've just arrived and am writing this to make today's deadline while my sister runs her son and pals to the next town over for their big night party. He'll be back at 7 tomorrow morning.

Bueno. Mañana mas. Buenas noches amigos de blip.

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