Gifts of Grace

By grace


Flotilla - lovely word. Boats as far as the eye could see. Commonwealth Flotilla from Greenock to Glasgow today 250 yachts and other wee boaties sailed all the way up the Clyde. It was GRAND.

The banks of the Clyde were lined with spectators the whole way up wherever access was possible. Much cheering and waving and blowing of horns. It was all really rather spectacular. I've put a set over on Picasa as it's impossible to convey the feel of the thing, or the scale of it with one image and Blipfolio was loading at glacial speed.

Glasgow too was ASTONISHING. I have never seen so many people in the city. The services were running like clockwork, uber-organized, courteous, friendly, fun. It was like we'd all been given permission to come out of our somewhat reserved shells. Once I got used to the sheer scale of the multitides I loved it. May have to go back up sometime this week just to soak it up, MUCH easier to take photogrpahs of people in this all shook up, in the best possible way, city.

I MUST go to bed now, it's been a LOOONG day. Will come visit your worlds tomorrow.

Likely betta BIGGA.

Would someone please be kind enought to click on the Picasa link and let me know if you get through successfully? Not that I'm desperate to drag you over there, I've calmed down a bit after a good night's sleep :) But I've changed the privacy settings so that 'anyone who has the link' can view the Picasa album and I'm not sure if that means people can click from the link here, which is what I'm hoping. I'm not sure if it's working for me just because Picasa recognizes it's me. Oh the intricacies of privacy .../i] Thanks to WF for acting as link monitor, link now works :)

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