
By BananaInPyjamas

Last day of school!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAY! FINALLY!

Free first. Maths first, I made some origami frogs and birds and read Great Expectations! Watched a documentary in biology about ecosystems (that my friend and I found hilarious)! Finally I had Psychology where we watched a documentary about a serial killer (what a nice way to end the school year!)

After school, I had a birthday party with my friends from school! We went to the park out the back and had a picnic! Although there were lots of dog walkers, so about 6 dogs ran to us and tried to eat the food at the picnic! Then we played rounders! :)
We walked back to my house and we played cluedo and then balderdash! :)

L to R: Preeti, Katy, Leah, Me and Charlotte

*2 days!*

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