
Wierdly I was first up and had a lovely peaceful time watching the slow awakening of the campsite, with everyone trotting off for their fresh bead rather than the usual Scottish bacon frying.
We headed off to a marche, there was a small nectarine buying mishap, then drove slowly back along the Dordogne, marvelling at the beautiful medieval villages and chateaux. We stopped for some lunch at La Roc Gageac, a truly spectacular village hwere the girls purchased catapaults and Nelly loved the fact thet the restaurant had a toilet seat, she's finding French toilets a little challenging.
Back at the campsite we spent a long time at the swimming pools before tea, then Nelly had a spectacular fall/crash off her scooter requiring much comforting and a dressing on her side.
Floss played some guitar after tea, did a lovely duet with Betty singing. Happy days!

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