Fun at the Hospital

We were having a nice relaxing morning at home when I noticed I had a new voicemail.
It was our landlady. For the first time in four years she had decided to pop round to collect some things she has in the garage.
She'd rung last week to ask could she come next week. Plenty of notice - giving us time to sort the jungle and tidy up the house a bit.
The message said that she's been stressing about the state of her stuff - I'd told her about the damage the rats had done -and she was on her way and would be with me in an hour or so.
The problem was I had twenty minutes by the time I got the message.
Thankfully Mr K had done a fantastic job on the front garden over the last few days and it was amazing how much I got done round the house in the limited time available!
She was very nice, said she lives in chaos too and luckily her stuff in the separate part of the garage seemed mostly OK!
After lunch we headed over to Oxford for Miss L's annual check up with the Consultant at the John Radliffe. It's hard to believe it's been a year since the last time.
Unlike last year I thought to ask for the magic cream as soon as we got there so everything was much quicker.
Miss E was intrigued to be in the hospital - she's never been before, and was so sweet asking Miss L if she was OK, holding her hand, sharing her sweets and skipping down the corridor with her.
Miss L was weighed and measured as soon as we got there. She's grown over six centimetres since last year, woohoo!!
Once she'd had the cream put on her antecubital fossa (got out our Gray's Anatomy again Mrs Z!!) got wrapped in cling film and bandages and chosen her stickers there was only time for a brief play in the play room before we were called to the Consultant. She looked hilarious tripping down the corridor in the massive Cinderella costume she'd put on.
After seeing him we had a bit more play and then went to the Phlebotomist. I'd braced myself for the worst and so was very pleasantly surprised again when Miss L didn't even notice him drawing blood. She was so engrossed in the Disney Princess book again!
Because everything was quite quick I realised I had time to get Miss E to gymnastics which I had assumed she'd have to miss.
After the promised brownie purchase at Costa and the hike back to the car and the traffic jams on the ring road and A34 it was obvious we weren't going to get there on time.
I did my best to break the land speed record drive there as quickly as I safely could and Miss E was only fifteen minutes late. I was so pleased we made it as she did her next badge and was giddy!
What a good day! The Little Misses loved the hospital - both kept saying how much fun it was!!

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