Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Just a hole in the ground I throw money into

What's this, night three cleaning the pond? So it is.

It's done, now. It's done and dusted. Just have to give the filter a swill, fill the pond, throw a pool puck in and float a few "water lilies".

The fish is still in the bucket in the potting shed. He hasn't expired yet, although when I looked at him tonight he appeared to be gasping for air, so I threw a jug of water in and blew some bubbles through a straw. He settled.

If he can just survive the night I'll take him down to the Turkey Head Walk and set him free after work tomorrow. Shebunkins love the salt water.

There's a wee cove at the end of the Turkey Head that Fred used to play on. I can set the bucket in the water for twenty minutes, get it all acclimatized and such, then tip it over into the Salish Sea. He'll shoot off like a mad thing that's overjoyed to get well away from the hole in the ground I throw money into.

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