Summer as it should be

Complete with a bug I see ;-)

We've had two sunny days in a row. Woo hoo, summer!

Not a lot of action for me today. I slept in which doesn't happen often but I needed it. I still felt like a 'stunned mullet' today so pottered about with the goal of making the house tidy. Clean can wait for another day. Amazing what a full-on week on a photography course does to routines.

Best part of today was heading up into the Port Hills with be tonight. We wandered over a paddock, and up onto a wee hill where we lay in the grass, chatted and took photos. Thanks be, it was great.

Gosh it was good. So simple, a delight to the senses and good for the soul. To top it all off I've come home with a bottle of wine and black label Johnnie Walker, a wee dram of which I'm polishing off now :-) Thanks guys.

And on that note I leave you with this lingering glow of a summer's night. (A big thank you too for the many kind comments left for yesterday's blip).

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