Snowy evening view to Munlochy. Taken from near the War Memorial.

Long exposure for this. There was no traffic when I set it going. Only then the noise of an approaching car was heard. Was hoping the exposure would finish before it arrived. Not so. I like the way the headlights lit up the foreground snow, without overexposing it. Not so keen on the partial red stripe of the car's taillight. Almost made it! Too much traffic thereafter for more. Plus it was snowing, again. Darned cold too.

Trouble with way-back-Blipping this (on 1st August 2014) is that I can't remember what else happened that day, that's not recorded in the photos. I do remember walking out here in daylight, and with the tripod. Considering that it was midweek, and it was not a holiday time of year, leads me to suspect that we were told not to come in. Likely due to the obvious poor weather. Probably much worse further afield, where many of the Staff and Students would have to attempt to come from. The snow isn't bad here, though the ice was likely a different matter.

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