A walk in the rain

After the Puffin Pool we went for a walk on The Brahan Estate near Conon Bridge. It started off dry and bright but started to rain as we began our walk. We had waterproofs so we were fine, just had to keep the camera dry under my jacket.

Plenty of birds around, those spotted include wrens, robin, blackbirds ,dove, pigeon and buzzard in the trees and moorhen, little grebes, swans and three cygnets at the loch. Plenty more singing but not spotted.

We heard some strange noises by the water and thought it came from the moorhen that had shot off as we approached. As we walked down by the loch we turned round alerted by movement and saw two roe deer, a doe and a stag darting for cover in the trees. I had nt realise that it was their rutting season and we could hear them barking but did nt spot them again. A wonderful sound though but would image rather scary at night.

Several brown butterflies and thanks to some recent blips I could id them as Scotch Argus. The flight period is short with butterflies emerging at the end of July , peaking in early August so ideal timing for us. There must have been about 10. They feed on Ragwort as well as other plants like thistles and heather.

Also spotted a blue tailed damselfly. Very delicate and a soft blue and almost translucent so hard to get a photo.

The sun came out when we got home so I managed to finish oiling the decking. After a quick shower we went down to the harbour to see Clover come into moor just off Fortrose harbour. Snowgooseblues has sailed her up from Essex and for most of it single handed. Saw Moloh, who had told me to keep a look out, and Soloh too so we had a natter in the lovely sunshine.

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