Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Could be Better.

A quick blip from the garden earlier this evening as I'm very short of time at the moment.

Part of the problem is that I have ordered a Blip 365 yearbook but all my 1135 blips have been posted with a maximum resolution of 1200 pixels along longest side. Apparently that is not high enough quality for the book as I noticed a yellow exclamation mark in the corner of each image. Clicking on it tells me that I can temporarily upload higher resolution images. That's fine, except it tells me that I only have TEN DAYS to do it!

That means that I have to locate 365 higher resolution versions of what I posted, re-crop if necessary, find the image on Blip, click modify and go through the whole modify process of screens, uploads and confirmations. That is going to average around 5 minutes per photo which equates to over 30 hours work!

On top of that I have to produce a newsletter for the Art Club to go out next week.

The next few blips are likely to be poorer quality than normal or even missing.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

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