One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Style - Nikon "House Style"

Style Sunday for chandler63's August Challenge.

Every major company and corporation will have its "House Style", so that their product packaging, marketing materials and everything else has a consistent look, that easily identifies them as their product.

Here is the box for my "workhorse" 28-300mm lens, which has been my main lens since late 2010 when I first bought it. Inside is the lens, all reasy to be packaged up to ship back to Nikon for a bit of a service.

After nearly 4 years of reliable, regular service the mechanism is getting a bit sticky and stiff in places, so time for a clean and lubricate. Don't want it to fail when I go off to India at the end of the year, so get it sorted now and have plenty of time to give it a thorough workout before then to prove that all is again well.

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