Fight Club Bark Fest

The theme for MonoMonday today is motion and I've spent most of the day taking shots of everything that moved. None of them really did it for me!

In a desperate bid to get some action, after work I took Toto for a wander past the guard dog at the car yard! :0) It turned into a real bark fest and was not easy to actually take any shots because I had to control Toto so I just took random shots and hoped for the best!

I like this one, things are definitely in motion! Toto was barking like a mad dog and the other dog wasnt barking just snorting with a seriously vicious look in his eye! He was running up and down huffing and puffing and fortunately there was a big fence in between!! Toto loved every minute of it, so thrilling for him as he hardly ever sees any other dogs let alone a big boss dog like this!!

Many thanks to WetCoastBob in Canada for taking over the big job of looking after MonoMonday for August, check out his journal for all the latest entries!

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