100 years ago

It does nt seem possible that 100 years have passed since the start of World War One. After visiting Orkney and seeing the WW1 defences slowly decaying and wondering how men copied in conditions like these, cold, wet and having to keep your concentration brings it to life. The pictures on the news are incredible and very moving. Having two sons and three nephews all that would have been called up I wonder how their Mothers and families coped but I suppose ' they just got on with it', like you do somehow when faced with adversity.

I thought I would look through the family albums, I do nt recall anyone telling me stories of the war, people did nt talk about it, but I came across this photo taken by my Grandad in 1926. I do nt know who Charlie was but he must have been someone important as by looking at the photos nearby my Grandad went to Belgium to see it.

I also found this little poem written in my Nans handwriting and it's quite fitting for today.

A friend
you have found me weak, when you thought me strong,
And not always meek, and quite often wrong,
And sometimes in doubt, which way I should wend,
you have found me out and yet are my friend,
My failings you've seen, my failures and fears,
The little I glean from the harvest of years,
You've seen my feet slip, on the path I have taken,
Lose my foothold and grip, but your faith was not shaken,
Because you are you, my faults you can see,
My weaknesses too, and yet care for me,
And this will endure, till my story's quit end,
of this I am sure, for you are my friend.

Tonight at 10 o clock I will be turning off the lights and lighting a candle in memory of all those who suffered and still suffering because wars.

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