youngies journey

By youngie66

Does A Bear Crap In The Woods

That's the 64,000 dollar question well I can recall a story about one bear from a while back and it goes like this,
A bear was wandering through the woods and happened to come across a Squirrel having a poop he said hello Mr Squirrel do you mind if I join you am fair burstin furra poop myself,the Squirrel said no problem Mr Bear so after a while of grunting and groaning the Bear said to the Squirrel excuse me Mr Squirrel do you have problems with poop sticking to your fur ?, and Mr Squirrel replied well no Mr Bear mine pop out like small pellets so after a quiet minute or so Mr Squirrel asks excuse me Mr Bear but do you have problems with poop sticking to your fur ? ther bear wryly smiles at the Mr Squirrel picks him up gently and wipes his bum with Mr Squirrel and says naw no really especially when silly buggers like you are handy lol.
Oh well the old ones are the best, anyway I started back to work a day early as a colleague wanted the sunday off and asked me to cover it so I obliged and that was it today apart from taking this shot of group of trees that made for this interesting view and tomorrow I have two trips to Glasgow so fingers crossed for some decent weather this week as it was pretty wet in Glasgow today you could almost paddle doon the watter as they say in Glasgow anyway movie for the day is a 40 second animated film called "Forrest Dump 2006" See Ya

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