Another Bee

On a Chive flower this time. I've been burning the midnight early evening oil in the office, it's been a very, very busy Monday.
Just had time to nip out at lunchtime to the HFS (Health Food Shop) before 2pm clients, to purchase 1/2 kilo of peppercorns and a few other items and this is where I saw 'another bee on the Chive flower'. The HFS has a very nice little rack outside the shop selling all sorts of herbs, just begging to be purchased for adding to our culinary delights; if you don't happen to have them in your own garden.

Off to make a Spanish Fritata now, chives will definately be added .... Or, I could attempt this ....

Smoked Ham Hock & French Bean Salad with Soft Boiled Duck Egg & Chives – serves 4

• Rinse and place the smoked ham hock in a large pot with some diced onion, leek, 10 black peppercorns and a large sprig of thyme. Cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Skim the surface and simmer for 2½ hours. Leave to cool in the liquid.
•Whisk 50ml of balsamic vinegar with 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard and 150ml of olive oil. Season.
•Pick the ham off the bone and break into large flakes.
•Cook 2 duck eggs for 7 minutes in rapidly boiling water. Remove and place in cold water for 30 seconds before peeling.
•Take 4 large handfuls of mixed leaves and mix with some cooked French beans, sliced new potatoes and a generous amount of ham.
•Dress the salad and divide between 4 plates. Cut the eggs in half and place on top of the salad.
•Season the egg with salt flakes, freshly ground pepper and a generous sprinkling of freshly cut chives & chive flowers.

but probably not!!

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