The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Trolley

Mummy wasn't feeling well today. I brought her a cup of tea in bed, changed my nappy and headed out for the day. I returned with the weekly shop and put on the dinner for daddy coming home from work.

I'd like to think this is what I would've done had I been able to but the reality was she just had to get on with it.

She strapped me into my carrier and we went to Tesco together for the first time. She was so chuffed that it was all going well. She even got a food processor for less than half price (that's how mummy likes to roll these days!) However she did not think about how she'd return the trolley once I was back in the car. Does she leave me? Does she not? Does she leave me? Does she not? I didn't like her having this moral dilemma so I screamed really loudly so the lady in the next car would take pity on mummy and take the trolley back for her. Once the lady disappeared I gave mummy a wink and we high fived - job done!

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