My Angle

By myangle


I was short of a blip tonight. My first instinct was to photograph my bike. Everything I tried made it look like I was taking a photo for ebay. So I tried something different. You see what I mean.

This is my 3/4 of the garage. Allow me to intoduce from the left:

Deflated ball thingy from when I injured my back.
Gym set (gathering dust)
Kayak (also gathering dust at the moment)
Wheelbarrow full of crusher dust from a project I actually finished.
Empty plastic container awaiting bike riding gear.
Unit for oven (don't get me started on the kitchen!)
Fishing gear not yet put away after last trip on the bay.
Swags (gathering dust but soon to be put to good use).
Screendoor (renovation reject)
Crabpots (brand new)
Chainsaw (needs sharpening but gets a fair amount of use)
Bike (back in favour now I have fixed it)
Dual fuel camp stove (awaiting a new o-ring...I think)
1966 series 2 Land Rover which was going to be a hunting vehicle but has ended up being a long term restore.
Camera bag (oops forgot to move it)
Cowboy Hat

There are many other things stashed away in there...many. The story of my life.

Anyway, I like my garage. It is actually bigger than our house. I don't know what I would do without it. Sorry, I forgot to tidy up!
f8, 400ISO, 18-55mm lens @ 18mm, tripod, Canon 350D

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