
By Augenweide

The night shift beckons...

You meet some right c**** on the underground! Won't go into too much detail but I stopped to let a woman with a baby go past me. A fairly old American guy then walks into my suitcase and starts kicking off at me. Fast forward to when he's ranting about the problems with my generation and how rude we are and I reply with 'Yeah we're terrible, almost as bad as that generation who decided it was fine to nuke a country'. Turns out I have a habit of crossing the line!

On a brighter note, here's Beth! One of the few friends from school I've managed to keep in regular contact with and I'm glad for it. We've known each other for about 6 years now which is over a quarter of our lives...strange that she's still managed to put up with me! We met up for coffee before she headed off to work a night shift at a hospital nearby. Strange that she'd be the one on night shifts as I've always been the nocturnal one but it means she has someone to text on her breaks at 2am! It doesn't seem like much has changed when you meet someone from school but then you hear about what's going on with them and realise that you both know people getting married/have children already and it's quite daunting.

Had some time to kill before my coach so watched the France Honduras game in Victoria...bloody hell Honduras play dirty!

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