A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Warming stuff

Time for a quick write-up before this green pork curry will be ready. Carl's last birthday present (from me) was an Indian cooking lesson. Seen as it is his favourite food which he would happily consume three times a day I thought it only right he learned how to cook it properly. I hadn't really anticipated the extent to which this present would keep on giving. He had an amazing time, learned loads, brought home bags of goodies and an enduring enthusiasm for cooking curries. I'm still full of cold and hopeful that warming myself from the inside out will help.

Though to be clear, I am what is officially known as a "curry wuss" and will not be adding the extra hot chilli powder that Carl will be having with his.

Not much else to report. Jackson had the day off today as he spent the night awake with a croupy cough. Had to bribe Anna to be taken to school by a neighbour with a trip to the bookshop. I know, I know, a cheap parenting trick but it was early, I'd had little sleep and she's a really good negotiator. My parenting dignity is only held together by the thought it wasn't sweets. Please don't shatter it, it costs nothing to silently roll your eyes to yourselves.

Right, curry's here.

Lesley x

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