Gate study..'s that willow warbler again. Love the grain in the wood on the gate, and the sleeper post. And the rope keeping it shut. And the iron latch..

Went down to the lodge today and cleared a bed of old salad plants. Replanted with lettuce and Pak choi plants. Harvested some lettuce for the hotel and restaurant, and then to the croft for cabbage. Got back home for 20 past midday, because G wanted the car to go to Lochinver. She wanted to leave at 12:15, so did quite well.

Went and harvested some sugar snaps while she was away, and then strimmed the grass out the front to tidy it up..

When G got back, I went back down to the lodge with some peas for G&P, and then back to the croft for some salad leaves. Gave Tanni a run on the beach, and back home in time for L coming to pick up for the restaurant. Then delivered to the hotel.

And that's my day. It's been pretty warm, but we had a couple of heavy showers around 5ish, just as I was delivering to the hotel..

D has set a competition for the Camera club. 3 entries each with a subject "The spirit of Scourie". May have got one shot for it tonight, but I can't tell you about it because others are reading this!!..


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