SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Nearly 4 days without being able to Blip!!

Since last Saturday I have been getting increasingly frustrated with my internet connection. I could access some web pages but not others... blipfoto was one I couldn't access. Oh it was so frustrating... and I was having blipfoto withdrawl! In desperation I got hold of Joe Bloggs via twitter yep its me Yorkie76 on twitter (I have to admit to not tweeting very often) no Blip wasn't having problems which confirmed it was my end!

I unistalled and reinstalled Firefox on my laptop... nope that didn't solve it

Tried the better half R's PC... ah that was having the same issues too!

Phone call to AOL

So I got a nice man at aol (no he was!) and we got the problem fixed within minutes! It was the router settings why the WAN settings had stopped working I do not know (maybe aol do but hey the lad is my todays hero!) but with a change of a couple of numbers VOILA!! I'm Back!!!

And does it feel soo good!!

So I have now back blipped all photos since Saturday and I also have watched Wild at Heart which I missed Sunday night! I'm a happy SAH!

Hope you have had a good start to the week everyone and hope it gets even better!

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