so many problems trying to upload this screen grab from HD film footage which I shot this afternoon. This is my FIFTH attempt and beginning to feel like Robert the Bruce watching the spider in his cave before Bannockburn!!

Anyway these lyrics encompass the spirit of my clients and all of us who believe we can effect change for good in this world when others are telling us not to bother!

Hope you enjoy!


The odds were a hundred to one against me?
The world thought the heights were too high to climb?
But people from Missouri never incensed me?
Oh, I wasn?t a bit concerned?
For from hist?ry I had learned?
How many, many times the worm had turned??

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus?
When he said the world was round?
They all laughed when Edison recorded sound?
They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother?
When they said that man could fly
They told marconi?
Wireless was a phony?
It?s the same old cry?
They laughed at me wanting you?
Said I was reaching for the moon?
But oh, you came through?
Now they?ll have to change their tune
They all said we never could be happy?
They laughed at us and how!?
But ho, ho, ho!?Who?s got the last laugh now? ??

They all laughed at Rockefeller center?
Now they?re fighting to get in?
They all laughed at Whitney and his cotton gin?
They all laughed at Fulton and his steamboat?
Hershey and his chocolate bar
Ford and his misery?
Kept the laughers busy?
That?s how people are?
They laughed at me wanting you?
Said it would be, "hello, goodbye."?
But oh, you came through?
Now they?re eating humble pie
They all said we?d never get together?
Darling, let?s take a bow?
For ho, ho, ho!?
Who?s got the last laugh? ?
He, hee, hee!?
Let?s at the past laugh?
Ha, ha, ha!?

Who?s got the last laugh now? "

George Gershwin

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