Be prepared

Typhoon Halong is heading to southern Japan and Kobe expects to experience some extreme weather conditions this evening.

In the two years I have been here I have experienced a number of typhoons but today is the first time I have seen people putting sand bags out. This building is next door to my apartment block! ;-0

Seems we are in for an interesting night so in preparation I have filled the fridge with survival essentials: wine, chocolate and ice cream as well as roast chicken for the woofer. With 6 episodes of the Honorable Woman to watch and a new pack of the the obligatory balls for the woofer, we're ready for anything... for as long as it lasts (assuming the power doesn't go out!)

Happy Saturday Blippers - stay safe!

First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst.
Dale Carnegie

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