After the rain

After the rain last night the harling at Craigievar Castle is looking decidedly damp in places this afternoon. The weather cheered up a bit this afternoon, but then began to cloud over again in the early evening.

There were quite a few people at the castle despite the relatively cool afternoon. I decided to put on a quilted waistcoat over my jacket, I think it is the first time I have worn it since we got back from Italy in early July. As the sun came out briefly I might have got away without it.

I managed to get this shot with hardly anybody in the picture, there are several people taking photographs of the castle behind the bush on the left, others have just waled around to the back of the castle.

The interior of Craigievar can only be visited as part of a guided tour, and in relatively small numbers. A group came out just after I had taken this shot and I later saw them getting on a tour coach. A visit to the Castle costs £12.50 for non National Trust members, that becomes quite a sizeable amount when there are a few people visiting together, a family ticket I noticed is £29.50, again quite a substantial amount. Enough to think twice about going in I would have thought.

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