My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

The Main Staircase

Kinlochmoidart - day 2

Here we have Elsa, posing on the main staircase at Kinlochmoidart House. The wallpaper throughout the house is all rather fantastic. A lot of it will be original, I think, and some of it is heavily embossed. The stairs lead from the downstairs hall (although it is already the first floor, not the ground floor), to the second floor where we have several bedrooms and several bathrooms. Not a shower in sight. And most of the toilets are rather brilliant old rectangular wooden things, too.

A few of us visited the church at Acharacle for their service this morning. They've done a lot of work there, it's looking very good. In the afternoon we visited Castle Tioram, but it was raining so my photos form there are all rather grey.

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