
After a dry start, the rain set in fairly solidly for much of the day. We'd already decided not to drive very far given the long haul back to Nottingham tomorrow but as Katie says 'everything in Scotland is miles away from everything else' so our wet weather options were somewhat limited. After spending some time in the Mull Museum with a number of other gently steaming tourists and a very nice lunch at The Pier Cafe we surrendered to the inevitable, bought cake and took it back to our dry cottage to spend the afternoon watching 'Thelma and Louise' on DVD instead. Later on, Beck and I took advantage of a break in the weather to have a stroll over the Glengorm Estate - the castle is our nearest neighbour in that direction - braving the herds of Highland Cattle visit some fine standing stones and climb another hill for a fine view of the rocky promontory that once housed the Iron Age fort of Dun Ara. The stones were a treat - three standing stones, all over six feet tall, set in a small, raised circle - I think Beck had planned the walk deliberately, knowing I've got a soft spot for the odd megalithic monument, especially having failed to locate the Lochbuie circle earlier in the week...

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