Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


Went to my very first con as press today; even though it's not really that big of a deal I was pretty chuffed to be classed as press, and had an absolutely cracking time at the con. It's called Auto Assembly and is Europe's biggest Transformers convention. They had some wonderful guests, including the above pictured Townsend Coleman. You might remember his voice from such things as The Tick and a little something called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I totally nerded out when he did his Michaelangelo voice at me. He was such a lovely guy, I was a right mess! Managed to give him (and David Sobolov) a business card for the Parlour so maybe I'll get to chat more with them soon! Bought myself a trade and an amazing Optimus Prime print for Rich, as well as seeing some great panels. Will be doing a write up for the Geek Syndicate website soon so if you're interested you can check my stuff there :)

Brilliant day though :)

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