With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Red letter day

I've reached 200. Many thanks to all of you at Blip Central, Joe of course and everyone in the community. Thanks for all your kind comments and the time you've taken to look at my blips.

I'm sorry I didn't have more time for this shot today, it's been full on and I'm now going out, so won't have the chance to spread the red balloon of love around much. Thanks to my lovely, lively class, and Grace my co teacher for putting up with me everyday.

Blip really has changed my life for the better. I've kept in touch with people I can't see regularly enough, met new friends, had a laugh, a few tears and started to learn about photography. I wish I'd joined earlier.

Days unblipped can lie in a dusty envelope too long :)

(Now try translating that into Spanish!)

I put this link on because it was the only song I could find with 200 in the title. I'd not heard of him before - thankyou Craig D'Andrea. Got to try everything once :)

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