Goodbye Dan

Sorry for the bad quality of photo, but as you can tell it's a photo taken of the screen of my laptop.

The photo is of Dan and his girlfriend Rachel. Dan sadly passed away on Friday the 22nd January after a bleed on his lung. It was sudden and has hit all his friends and family hard. But not just real life friends, Dan was a real internet guy and someone I "met" on Twitter through Rachel (who I have "known" for years on another site) He prided himself in being a disabled en entrepreneur.

Despite never having met him, I spoke to him daily on Twitter (@musosdan if anyone maybe chatted to him) and messenger and he was a lovely guy who was delighted to have met the girl of his dreams who loved him for who he was.

He was new to Blipfoto, but I wanted to take the opportunity to say goodbye to him and let people here know in this one of his many sites he used now that his funeral has passed.

Sleep tight Dan.xx

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