Journey Through Time

By Sue

Orange is the New Black

Orange flowers, orange pollen, orange's all the rage!

HOT,hot, hot, hot, hot. It's like a freakin' oven outside. This is it for today. I am in hog heaven doing genealogy. I was in contact with a nice lady in Florida who has the FAMILY BIBLE from my Hughes family. Because of some handwritten information set down years and years ago that was in this bible....some new information has come to light and I and my fellow Hughes researcher, Chris, are tickled pink. And we have welcomed in a new recruit to our small researching group. Talking with Chris has cleared up some info, and I have dusted off and cleaned up my Hughes Family Tree. Woo hoo! Stuff like that is fun for me, what can I say.

Take care, keep cool and carry on my friends.

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