Back Blip!

<back blip>

For once I was vaguely aware of the blipping world around me...
Yay 365, if a few days late ;o)

I had planned the above sot by intent for a while... things less to plan with exams an my "model" being busy until late... So it's still a bit 1/2-arsed...

Exam tomorrow - eek!

here's a wee cross-section over the year and a bit:

January: Day 1
February: Fun with light sources
March: Portrait in the morning light
April: Weird colour coordination
May: Alien sightings
June: Focal points
July: Nature
August: Uncle Mikey
September: In your face
October: Colourful
November: Party pirate
December: Selective colour
January (again): Light!

Thanks to blip being made, to cyclops for bringing me here, the lovely blipper out there, especially those that bother to trawl through back blips ;o)

And now for more revision..

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