What did the Romans do for us?

Today has been a day of old stuff. After a wander with the dogs first thing, and a bit of a lazy start, my beautiful girl and I took the dogs for a wander around the Ring of Brodgar and along the lochside. We got drenched on the way back to the car, but clothes soon dry out and we trundled along to have a look at Rennibister Earth House, an underground house which is now in the middle of a busy farm. Interesting to go and have a look inside it. From there we went to the Stones of Stenness, the oldest stone circle (henge) in the world, and then on a bit further to Barnhouse Village.
The day was rounded off at Ness of Brodgar. The site, which is the most important archaeological site in the northern hemisphere, is thought to cover about 6 acres and they have excavated about 10% of that. It dates back to 3200BC - that is 5000 years old. Before the pyramids, before the Romans, before everything really. And the walls are still standing. It is well worth a look at the dig. Unfortunately they can only dig for 6 weeks a year. It costs £10,000 a week to dig there, with all the costs of processing the huge number of finds. It is money well spent in my opinion.
We were lucky today to visit a large number of neolithic sites, all of which are very close together and all of which are free to enter, hands on experiences.
Today's blip is a tiny part of the walls at the Ness of Brodgar. Go and have a look for yourself. It is worth it.

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