Happy Valley

By HappyValley


What a fab day with My Beautiful Man.

A nice slow morning followed by another walk at the Ring of Brodgar - This time with added rain and a bit of a chilly breeze. Then off to the Rennbister Earth House, Stones of Stenness and it's nearby Barnhouse Settlement. All pretty mind blowing places, not only the history and the ancient architecture but the fact you can walk freely in and around them, touch them, feel them...in an effort to try and comprehend them.

The grand finale was a tour at Ness of Brodgar archaeological dig. Such a special place. An unbelievable wealth of structures, workmanship and finds being slowly uncovered...and currently only 10% of the estimated site being dug. I beg you to go and look at the website and if you are in Orkney during the 6 weeks they are able to dig each year (running costs of £2000 per day), it is a must do.

What added even more to our finale was our guide at Ness - Not only a lovely guy who is extremely passionate about the site. But also has a big connection to our home, Orcadee. His Grandmother lived there and he has many fantastic memories of childhood visits. The last time he was there was in the 70's - He will be coming to visit us there soon.

And other things...
-Our whole day was free!
-I TOUCHED a mace head from around about 3000BC!!! I ran my finger over it and felt how smooth it was :-O It was beautiful.
-We have offered our spare bedrooms for some of next years archaeologists (they are mostly unpaid and self funding).
-We have promised we won't kill them with alcohol.
-See PW's blip for a shot of the dig.
-I have had the best day ever.

I did take photos of the dig but it was grim and raining. We will be back before the 2014 dig ends and on a finer day.

Therefore my blip today is of our faithful furry idiots, waiting patiently at various non-doggy locations for us to return to the car. Sigyn always drives. Talisker always looks slightly concerned.

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