
By tookie

Bark Meet Up

Although the dogs had longed pined away to meet up with each other, it took us blippers awhile to get our act together! We finally had a very delightful blip/bark meet up at Luther Burbank in the off leash dog park...maybe the first US bark meet up? I spend about three hours talking, laughing and sharing stories and histories with the lovely blipper Sydney! Although we actually live close in proximity, this is our first meet up.

She has a beautiful elder dog named Lewis...affectionately called 'Lew" He is a beautiful and gentle loving dog. Also he seemed quite attracted to Cowboy:) Message from Cowboy to Lew...." woof woof..I will need to take this whole thing a little slower" :) Sadie seemed semi interested, but moreso in others with treats or holding ball throwers than the antics of Lew and Cowboy. It was good to see out dogs get along and I'm sure we'll be meeting up again soon. Many place we can explore with the hooligans all three!

Sydney is every bit as wonderful as her blips and I was so happy to finally meet up. She's a very very busy person with her preschool special ed. job and her tutoring. Instantly I felt a "connection" and know we will enjoy each other's company for a long time to come. Blip is such an amazing place for making new friendships and ones I believe are trusting and honest. I think blip for this new aspect of my life.

Sunday blip

Poem from Mary Oliver for the dogs and maybe their pre meet up feelings:

"If I ever meet one of these dogs I'm going
to invite him to come here, where he can
be a proper dog."

Okay, I said. But remember, you can't fix
everything in the world for everybody.

"however, said /Cowboy Ricky, "you can't do
anything at all unless you begin. Haven't
I heard you say that once or twice, or
maybe a hundred times?"

I think these were maybe Cowboy's thoughts pre meet up:) Thanks Sydney and Lew for a nice time:) xo Clare and the Hooligans across the bridge:)

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