Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

Look After Your Mind

Within a few minutes of waking up today I had the stuffing knocked out of me twice in quick succession. First I heard on the radio that Robin Williams had died. Then I read online that he took his own life. Sad enough that someone dies, heartbreaking to think that he considered life so unbearable that he ended it.

If anything good comes out of such a high-profile sufferer of depression, it's that it's sparked quite a debate in the media about mental health, and the importance of seeking help if you're struggling. I'm far from an expert on mental health issues – like most people I have the occasional day feeling down in the dumps, but I know from the experience of others that real depression isn't 'being a bit miserable' but is a truly debilitating illness. Just one with an unfortunate stigma attached that stops some people talking about it.

So I hope someone somewhere heard the news this morning and decided to get some help for themselves.

Normal cheery service will be resumed tomorrow!

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