A fly in the ointment.

It would seem that others are loving the blackberries in my garden almost as much as me! - Slightly off-putting I must admit.

One of my jobs is working as a part time receptionist at the local vets. I get there early to open up, answer the phones and deal with clients during morning surgery.

About nine, the delivery of drugs and pet food arrives. One day a week the delivery guy is a chirpy chappy, with whom, over the past few months there has been a bit of banter and chat, which included him telling me that he was single!!

The girls had been egging me on to ask him on a date, but each week something prevented the right opportunity - either the phone rang, or the reception area was far too busy for me to pop the question.

Sometimes he would linger as if waiting for something to happen, but there would always be other people around and I would chicken out.

One week I wrote my mobile number on a piece of paper but it remained in my pocket until after he'd left.

The next week I was about to suggest meeting for a drink when the phone rang - again and by the time the call was over he'd gone.

One of the veterinary nurses started nagging me each week to make a move and I promised I would do something.... then eventually the right opportunity presented itself when he said:
"It's my birthday next week."
" Ooh, Happy Birthday!" I said. " What are you going to do?"
"Absolutely nothing." he replied.

At that moment I formulated a plan of action. I bought a birthday card - at vast expense - with a photo of a pint of beer on the front and the words 'Celebrate your birthday in style' or some such thing on the inside, to which I added:
Text me on: 079......... to arrange a date for a pint of the real thing.

He texted me the very same day saying "I can think of nothing nicer than meeting you for a birthday drink."

And so it was that a time and location was set for the very next evening.

In true Hugankiss style, time and traffic were stacked against me and when I was still on my way, I received a text informing me he had already reached the pub.
How sweet, I thought and as I squealed into the pub car park a mere 5 minutes late, then, there he was walking towards the car looking rather lovely.

I insisted on buying the first drink - as it was his birthday treat. As it was a glorious summer evening we found a quiet spot in the pub garden to enjoy getting to know each other a bit better.

Time passed pleasantly enough apart from when he told me he was in a relationship - but it was the wrong relationship and he was about to end it!!

When it was time to go he walked me back to my car.

He went for a kiss on the lips, which I managed to field effectively to one on the cheek!
He then put his arms round my waist and said " You really are very lovely."
To which I replied: "Thank you, but be cool, don't go and do anything drastic - you are, after all in a relationship!"
"I know, can we meet next week at the same time?"

Of course, as all good stories go, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for the next installment!!

Sleep well blippers - I will x

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