Monday's Mystery Mono Motor 5

Number 5 in the series of mystery motors - guess the make and model - (and year if you think you know it) there is a praise for the first correct answer.

There was no Mystery or Motor last Monday as I found something better else to blip - but the image for the previous Monday 28th July was and E Type Jaguar, series 2 - I'm not sure of the exact year as it has a personalised reg.

The praize goes to: (Roll of drums) JohnH1989
Who was the first to guess E Type Jaguar series 2.

A HUGE thank you to all who dropped by on my 3rd blip birthday yesterday with such lovely comments. Bless Blip you all x x

The Scores so far for the Mystery Motor series are as follows:
2 Praizes to Stewartheath1
2 Praizes to ~ JohnH1989

Let's get some new names on the scoreboard this week!!

Others in the series are tagged Mysterymotor

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