New day - new beginnings

By gudnypalina

Saying goodbye to loved ones is always hard

So there were some mixed feelings when I left my daughter and her family today. I was a little sad, but at the same time I'm very grateful for those 9 days I've had with them. And with modern technology it's much easier to live apart, than it was 25 years ago when we lived in Norway.

Then there was no Skype (well no internet at all), and international telephone calls were extremely expensive. You had to watch the clock when speaking on the phone to Iceland, and 10 min. was the absolute maximum time for a call... In those days the main connection one had with family members in Iceland was via mail (or snail-mail as some people call it today).

Oh I can still remember the happiness when there was a letter waiting in the postbox :-) The excitement of holding it in the hand, recognizing the handwriting on the envelope, opening it and finally reading it. I just loved getting letters and I kind of miss that part of "life before the internet".

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