Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Sleepless nights...

Despite going to my bed ridiculously early last night (9.50) I still managed to wake up this morning feeling completely awful as though I haven't slept. Although I do vaugly remember waking up about 4 or 5 times, can you sneeze in your sleep? If so, it's likely thats what woke me up because the whole of yesterday and today (and probably tomorrow) thats what I've been doing. Sneezing, sniffing and generally feeling bleh.

Today was pretty good though. Work was productive and I came home and made dinner for a friend. Was meant to be a few people but I suppose on a school night you can't make grandeous plans. ;) So it became quite a simple thing. My friend brought dessert which I was a little disappointed about since I'd bought golden syrup pudding and custard. Ah well, I'll just have to eat it all by myself.

She's doing a night shift tomorrow so didn't leave til late which sodded up my plan of having another early night. Although if last night is any indication I might as well go to sleep at 1am. I'm sure I'll feel exactly the same.

Nighty night all. Fingers crossed I can get some sleep. :)

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