Turned Around

20.7C and dull, with lots of cloud and a few showers (one heavy) around the middle of the day. Zephyr.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after the heavy shower had passed over, not too long after lunch. We went round our usual route. The tide was out a good way and coming in. Silver Cat and Shamara II were moored out at the seaward end of the channel through the rocks and the smaller boats were lying on the sand and seaweed.

On the way back up the road I noticed that the New Holland Combine harvester had been turned round and was facing the road. Maeve and I wandered into the field and I got this shot and a few others. If you look very carefully you might even be able to make out the three trees, although they are very dark.

5.45pm update ... I have just looked out the front bedroom window and the Combine is in action :-)

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