The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Common Darter - Freiston Shore

Early-ish start this morning. It was the second highest tide of the year here in on The Wash at half past nine, so I wandered down the shore.

It was quite spectacular. There was thousands of Oystercatchers all roosting on the lagoon, as well as large numbers of Redshanks, Knots and Turnstones, as well as the largest single roost of Little Egrets I have ever seen, about 35 birds.

A wander up to the sea wall at high tide is always a surreal affair. Normally the sea is a distant shimmer on the horizon, at high tide the fence posts at the sea wall in front of you are submerged.

I captured this dragonfly as I walking back to the car park. The sun stayed frustratingly behind a big black cloud, so the photos were a bit gloomy.

The rest of the day was spent chilling out with family and a nice meal in Boston this evening.

We are off to Rutland Waters tomorrow and Bird Fair 2014.

I've put more photos up on Flickr from today if you want to see ... I especially liked this Little Egret having a bad hair day.

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