bucks life

By bucksmiss

Stormy Sunday?

I awoke to tropical rain hammering down on lean to roof outside the bedroom. The end of hurricane Bertha! I got up at 9am and watched the wet and windy weather come at us over the sea from the front room before the others got up. Thankfully it had stopped by 10.45am and while the wind stayed terrifically strong all day it wasn't cold and we had sun all day. Hurrah!

After brekkie, we walked barefoot out across the sandy bay and round a geologically impressive headland to Little Haven, the neighbouring village. We had a super pub lunch at the Castle. It was good to be out of the wind for an hour or so!

After lunch we walked up the side of the harbour a little to The Point used as a warning to ships and then toiled our way back up the 20% gradient narrow road over the top of the cliffs, flanked by the welsh equivalent of Cornish hedges and then blew back down into Broad Haven.

We took another lovely barefoot walk along the beach watching the surfers, kite surfers, body boarders, dogs and children. The tide goes a good way out and it is beautifully sandy. The sea isn't deep and the waves were very persistent given the wind. I was tempted to go in but the wind was a little strong and I think I'd have got cold a little quickly.

After a nice ice cream on the front we piled back into the flat for a cup of tea. It was a lovely day

We watched 'To Kill and Mockingbird' before retiring.

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