
By Bobbydog58

Clamping and Technology

You know it when people tell you to value your health that you should pay attention. You try really hard to value every day but it takes a little test to make you sit up and pay attention.

I don have cancer but the vision in my left eye has deteriorated. I now see the world through a very dirty grey smudge…if I leave my left eye open….but you can't drive with one eye closed. Try it, it throws out your spatial awareness.

I had an injection of Avastin in my eye two weeks ago in an attempt to stop abnormal blood vessels forming and taking away the light and fuzziness I can see.

Even before this happened I had been sick in hospital with something else….. which may or may not be related …anyway that's when we decide to upgrade to Glamping

This is a photo of my darling hubby sitting by the fire with his iPhone and looking up a Youtube clip on how the awning fits to our new Tvan. There was a wild weather warning for the South East Coast of Australia bringing more rain than we've had in five months so we knew we needed to get the awning up.

Thank God for Youtube, isn't it amazing what people will film themselves doing.

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