
By Saffi

Yesterday's Farming event

N and I were given tickets to the above event which was being held near us so we went to have a look. A sea of several hundred vintage tractors of all shapes and sizes and ages greeted us parked neatly in lines and many caravans with generators and camper vans belonging to the owners parked at the back of the field. It really was like boys with their toys except there were a few enthusiastic farming girls there too. Real country people and not many of the general public. There were also ploughing events with these old dinasaurs - some of them looked like steam engines and had to be hand-cranked into action. There were also stalls of ancient rusted spare parts and of course a few events for the children such as ferret racing.

In the evening, those old tractors that were able, went on a rally/drive for several miles using our farm as the point of return. There was a thundering noise along the track through our fields as 60 or so lumbering vehicles, some with trailers filled with with waving families popped popped up our steep hill to the top. A miracle non overheated or broke down!

Better LARGE.

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