St Ives Harbour Day

Today is 'St Ives Harbour Day' so I’ve being trekking around quite a bit. It was very mizzly, drizzly on my morning walk and I thought it was going to be a horrid day. But fortunately the sun came out this afternoon. Yay!

This is the only photo Ann took of me today, because everywhere was very busy and I was being a bit naughty and wouldn’t pose properly.

However, we thought we’d update all you lovely Blippers re Ann’s quest to get me a little sister.

Today we met Helen and her very lovely collie, Emma, who had 8 puppies a few weeks ago. All the puppies have now got homes to go to so it looks like I’m not getting a little sister after all. Phew! I really didn’t want to have to share Ann with a cute little puppy??!!!

And the sun’s still shining………………………

Time for a glass of wine for Ann and a snooze in the sunshine for me.

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers. xx

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