
By startagain

Hangover kicked in straight away and I killed some time tidying the flat and doing the washing up from the impromptu party from the night before. I made a trip down to a couple of second-hand (called thrift) shops here looking for accessories for my 70s costume for the party later - I eventually gave in and headed to the fancy dress shop for Elvis sunglasses and a mustache/beard set. After a couple of hours in work I made it home and cooked a quick keema curry ready for the pot luck then donned the costume. Flared jeans (my own), a sharp shirt with a huge collar and a kipper tie - I vetoed looking for a hat or wig as it was too warm anyway. I drove over and then stuck the fake beard on - it didn't even last until I got in the door! I abandoned all pretense though after seeing plenty of others with no costume. Cankle was already pretty bad and I chatted and caught up with friends. Steve (in white suit) is 50 this year and his wife is 40 so they had a 70s and 80s themed party complete with DJ and small dance floor in their back garden. The keema went down well and I had a great time despite not being able to dance - usually I'm ON the dance floor!

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