Tools of the Trade

Yes it's that time of the week again- Welcome Wednesday when the vacuum sits next to the rucksack as His Lordship springs out of the door to the sound of early birdsong while I sip my morning cuppa and regard the dust and the day ahead.

Before he leaves his last words are- " You know what you can do today? Some baking, because you like being creative". Luckily the cup of tea missed its target.

But my friends, the worm has turned, the vacuum has been put back in the cupboard and I am looking forward to some retail therapy and lunch with daughter#1. This afternoon there will be time for some reading before I hold HL to his promise of a light evening meal over the road at the new Italian wine bar.
The dust can remain unchallenged.

HL will no doubt tread quite carefully for the next week as his birthday draws ever nearer........ Oh dear, I have just remembered, that means I will have to bake a birthday cake for him.........

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