This morning

I love getting to school early and racing down to the esplanade to see what is happening down there. This morning, I was greeted by a few dog walkers; they're regulars down there and we usually say 'good morning'.

I found out that I had only one lesson today, which was good news!

Then I had that lesson and my mood was as black as some of the clouds hanging over this ship.

Needless to say, some of these children were totally horrible, rude and defiant. I spent the next hour chasing up their co-ordinators and finding out what I needed to do to slam them.

I have to face the same class first thing tomorrow morning and to say I'm not looking forward to it is an understatement. But face them I will.

We watched little Miss AB playing basketball. She scored 9 goals and was pretty chuffed.

Dinner at the inlaws (I was still a bit grumpy!) and then home to post my blip and fall into bed. The electric blanket should have warmed up by now, so I'll leave you to it.

Night all.


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