If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


As readers may have noticed I do like orchids.

Life is so hectic at the moment with the impending opening of clickychick's studio and breaking up FredH's (CC's Mum) bungalow after she went into care, this was a desperation shot.

This orchid has been particularly good value. I bought it at half price probably left because it didn't have quite as many buds as the others. Anyway orchids being long flowered we enjoyed it for a good number of weeks. Then it was taken out of the living room on to an upstairs window sill to recuperate. Being very busy I didn't even bother to remove the old flower stem. Just as well it has thrown a side shoot from the old stem which has potentially 10 flowers coming.

There is a technique where you cut the last flower off before it is past its best which often forces a new side shoot but I didn't do any of that. A useful emergency blip.

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